Mighty x Future Collab Logo.2

All Mighty Future

All Mighty Future is an apprentice company that provides youth ages 11-17 with substantial experience studying and performing Hip Hop dance as well as other dance art forms.  Through the guidance of teamwork,  AMF Troupe Members will experience a sense of belonging and joy.  This Troupe is mentored by Morae Graves, who fosters artist development, respect, and positive self-expression.



The All Mighty Future rehearses every Saturday and Sunday 3:00pm-6:00pm.  These rehearsals prepare the dancers for community performances and competitions, freestyle events and battles.  Most importantly, these rehearsals educate our dancers about Hip Hop Culture and how to be a valuable community member.  This program is tuition based.  Culture Shock’s goal is to provide accessible dance training For All People, so we offer 50% Tuition Assistance to dancers who qualify.  We break up our year into two different seasons.  The Spring season runs from January through June.  The Fall season runs from August through December.  Dancers must participate in an audition to become an All Mighty Future Troupe Member.


Rehearsal hours are for team building and performance preparation.  Dancers are expected to come into rehearsal with focus and a positive attitude.  The goal is to create the best performance possible utilizing a Troupe mentality.  Big picture mind set.  


Dance Training should happen in classes.  All Mighty Future Troupe Members are expected to train in classes each week.  We suggest taking Hip Hop Foundations/Grooves, and Art Form classes such as Whacking and Popping.  Taking class is an opportunity for dancers to practice pick up and retention of choreography.  Class is also an opportunity for dancers to challenge their range of motion, discover new ways to move their bodies, and study movement styles.


All Mighty Future Director: Morae ” Mo” Graves started her dance journey at the age of 5. In 2015 she started to take dance more seriously while training at Culture Shock Dance Center. She became a member of Future Shock San Diego in 2018 under the direction of Kaylar Preite and Kris Wagner.  Morae also performed with Young Hustle Dance Co. under the direction of Deion Williams.  At the beginning of 2023 Morae joined the Director Team for Culture Shock and worked with Mini and Mighty Shock Troupes.  Morae has been teaching dance all around San Diego County for the last several years and aspires to continue to grow as a dancer and share her passion through dance with others.